Quick Links
- Milestones
- The Journey
- Objective
- Festival Collaterals Image
- Green Film Network
- Eminent Associations
- Green Ambassadors
- 10 Years celebrations
- Steering Committee
- Filmmakers Advisory Board (FAB)
- Expert Advisory Panels
- Team
- Contact us Priya Talwar
Head Programmes
E: priya@cmsindia.org
M: 098999 79165
Expert Advisory Panels
CMS VATAVARAN has set up Expert Advisory Panels for its 7th competitive edition of CMS VATAVARAN 2014. The Advisors of the festival will plan, institutionalise & curate the festival and spare their valuable dates from 30th Januay - 03 February, 2014 to be part of the festival ceremonies, moderations, expert talks & deliberations.
Expert Advisory Panel - Content and Programmes
This Advisory Panel will be working on the planning and curating the festival & forum programming. The programmes will be interactive sessions/ talks, films screenings, workshops, creating sessions, inaugural & award ceremonies.
Expert Advisory Panel - Promotion, Publicity, Media and Audience Mobilisation
The Panel members will work towards promotion, visibility & branding of CMS VATAVARAN and will be responsible for bringing innovative ideas to promote the festival; facilitate tie-ups with electronic, print & on-line media and other such related platforms which will give adequate mileage to the festival and result in collaborations and quality participation.