The Green Film Fete, part of the 12th CMS VATAVARAN International Film Festival & Forum on Environment and Wildlife, is a city-wide series of programs across schools and colleges in the NCR region from September 9-20, 2024.
The 12th competitive edition, received 800 films from 68 countries and 25 states in India. All films have gone thru multiple layers of scrutiny to short list nominated films and select awardee by eminent film and environment experts. All nominated films will be showcased in the ‘Green Fete’.
Highlights include engaging film screenings, creative painting competitions, and expert-led discussions on critical environmental issues like wetlands conservation, water sustainability, and climate change. Hosted at eight prestigious institutions, the series offers a platform for students and educators to delve deep into wetland issues through the powerful medium of film and artistic expression.

Asia’s Biggest Green Film Festival

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