On September 13, 2024, the Green Film Fete at Sharda University, Greater Noida, brought together over 200 students, educators, and environmental enthusiasts to promote wetlands conservation and sustainability. The event featured thought-provoking film screenings on topics like wetlands, wildlife, water, and climate change. A highlight was a masterclass by Caroline Libresco, a renowned creative producer and former Sundance head programmer, who inspired students with her session on “Finding Your Pitch...and Your Film.” A panel discussion on “Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future,” moderated by Prof. Sanjeev Sood, included distinguished speakers like Dr. Nimish Kapoor, Ms. Shivani Pandey, Ms. Hem Saroya, and Mr. Sabyasachi Bharti, exploring how storytelling can drive meaningful action for sustainability. The day concluded with participants pledging to adopt eco-friendly practices and support wetland conservation.

Asia’s Biggest Green Film Festival

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