CMS VATAVARAN is India’s homegrown international Competitive and Travelling Festival of Environment and Wildlife Films.
The path breaking reforms introduced in India in the aftermath of 1991 economic crisis led to the beginning of the era of liberalization, privatization and globalization. During the succeeding decade India underwent a major economic transformation marked by increased FDI resulting in high economic growth. However uncontrolled and unsustainable growth, industrialisation and urbanisation resulted in acute environmental fall-outs, affecting millions of people in different parts of the country, particularly in tribal and rural areas. It was in this background that the idea of CMS VATAVARAN, India’s only environment and wildlife film festival and forum took wings.
Initiated in the year 2002 by CMS(, the festival and forum is aimed towards enhancing understanding, appreciation and shift in attitudes towards the natural world and to increase space for environmental issues in mass media and evolve a nationwide environment outreach framework.

Competitive and Traveling Festivals
CMS VATAVARAN has become one of the most prestigious film festival across the globe and has successfully positioned India as a fast emerging destination for environment and wildlife filmmaking. The festival works on a unique format of organising an international competitive film festival in New Delhi followed by a traveling film festival in different states of India in the subsequent year. Till 2010 five competitive film festivals and four traveling film festivals have been organised. The sixth competitive edition of the festival will be organised from December 6-10, 2011 at New Delhi.
CMS Environment Forum
Half the duration of the Film Festival is devoted to the activities of the Environment Forum. Held alongside, the effort is to host an array of environmental seminars, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, games, interactive talks by experts, open forums, discussions, eco trips and competitions. The Environment Forum has successfully created a strong pan-India network of environment groups, schools, colleges, eco-clubs and NGOs in the country.
The Green Beacon
In its decade long journey (2002-2011) CMS VATAVARAN has acquired the form of a green movement in the country and has ushered in a fresh green global consciousness on an extraordinary scale using environment forums and films.