Glimpses of GANGTOK Festival- September 15 to 17, 2021.

The three-day green film festival and forum was organised at Sidkeong Tulku Forest Conference Hall, Deorali, Gangtok from September 15 to 17, 2021.

The festival began with a lamp lightning ceremony by all the eminent dignitaries present during the occasion. After the introduction and welcome of guests by Mr Sabyesachi Bharti, Deputy Director, CMS VATAVARAN, Shri Udai Gurung, CF(WL)-cum-Nodal Officer, SECURE Himalaya-Sikkim set the context by mentioning that such Festivals and events as the one being carried out by CMSVATAVARAN presently are of utmost important for raising awareness regarding environmental aspects. He also explained about SECURE Himalaya project and its vital components focusing on sensitization of all concerned stakeholders. The Inaugural Keynote address was given by Shri. M. L. Srivastava, IFS, ACS -cum- PCCF (Sikkim). He mentioned how our small acts can help in minimizing the effects of global warming. Conservation of energy and judicial use of natural resources are of utmost importance in the present scenario. We should retrospect our actions and work towards leading green lifestyle. He also requested the participants to interact with the resource persons to acquire maximum possible knowledge from the workshop.

This unique green film festival and forum was open for public from September 15-17, 2021. This was being organized by the GEF-GOI-UNDP SECURE Himalaya project of the Forest & Environment Department, Government of Sikkim, and CMS VATAVARAN. This is part of a series of ‘9th CMS VATAVARAN Travelling Film Festival and Forum’ in four Himalayan cites of Uttarkashi, Gangtok, Shimla and Leh.

The idea behind this festival and forum is to support this unique green movement for conservation through using films, festivals and forums. Outreach and engage with to cross section of stakeholders, including Government of India, Media, Conservation organizations, Experts, Academics, Corporations, Youth and general public and to provide a platform for showcasing the SECURE Himalayas initiatives and programs.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by Introduction of the workshop and importance of Environmental Storytelling and social media in the conservation efforts by Sabyesachi Bharti, Deputy Director, CMS VATAVARAN and the introduction of the Green MOJO Filmmaking Workshop conducted by Mr Ritesh Taksande, Faculty Member - SKIFT at Film and Television Institute of India, Mojo Educator, Film and Photography Educator. Participation certificates were given to all the participants. The workshop continued till 16 September 2021.

The festival continued with the screening of SECURE Himalaya films along with selected awarded/nominated CMS VATAVARAN environmental films on various other relevant environmental issues like water conservation, wildlife conservation, climate change, forest conservation and livelihood & sustainable technologies on September 17, 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM at Sidkeong Tulku Forest Conference Hall, Deorali, Gangtok. On the spot quiz and drawing competition on environment for school children during film screenings were also being organized. This was followed by Award and closing ceremony.

Asia’s Biggest Green Film Festival

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