The Punjab State Council for Science & Technology (PSCST), in collaboration with CMS VATAVARAN, hosted a dynamic two-day online Film Festival on Biodiversity & Climate Change (March 9-10, 2021) that brought together environmental cinema and expertise. The program, organized under the Swachhta Action Plan, featured seven compelling environmental films including "The Wishing Tree" and "Earth Witness," alongside presentations from distinguished speakers such as Dr. V B Mathur (Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority) and Dr. P N Vasanti. The festival's highlights included an interactive panel discussion with filmmakers and a Green Filmmaking Workshop led by Ms. Aarti Shrivastava, which attracted over 250 participants. Drawing significant engagement with more than 2,000 post reaches and 4,500+ page views across social media platforms, the festival successfully merged environmental advocacy with creative storytelling, offering participants valuable insights into biodiversity conservation and climate change through the lens of cinema.