Parvat, Purohit, Putra (Mountain, Priest, Son)

Prologue - Starting this week, we shall start to present a brief introduction of the films that shall be showcased at the CMS Vatavaran Festival this year.

We begin by celebrating films that foreground the majesty and mystique of the Himalayas and how life is changing for people living in these highlands.

This little documentary comes across to the viewers at two levels.

 First - as a history and an ecological overview of the Himalayas and second - as a plea for continuing conservation of the rich legacy of Himalayan ecosystem.

Set in one of India’s most sacred and geologically fragile mountain landscapes, the film brings alive the everyday experiences, beliefs and hopes of a priest, his wife, and their 22-year-old son who survived a great flood not long ago.

Through their story, we explore a traditional society’s understanding of its own vulnerability and resilience in the face of dramatic environmental change on the one hand and the rapid intrusion of modernity, urbanism and consumerism on the other.

It is a stunning work of direction. Fiercely felt and magnificently shot! And you will feel the harmony of the Himalayas, in every single frame.

The film is bound to motivate a new generation of naturalists and ecologists to continue the fight to protect the ecology of the greatest mountains on earth.

Director: John Seddon And Vaibhav Kaul

Asia’s Biggest Green Film Festival

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