The Urban Climate Film Festival in New Delhi (24th-26th March 2023) was inaugurated by Mr Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa.

After two successful editions of the festival launched and conducted so far in Delhi and Mumbai. The Urban Climate Film Festival travelled to Kolkata, where 16 films from 12 countries were showcased at Nazrul Tirtha, New Town from 3rd to 5th June (from 12:00 pm onwards). The screenings were accompanied by interactive sessions with filmmakers and experts.

The festival closed with a special ceremony on 5th June to celebrate World Environment Day. The ceremony was graced by Mr Didier Talpain, Consul General of France in Kolkata, Dr. Swati Nandi Chakraborty, and Ms Meghna Pal, Chief Executive Officer, NKDA.

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Asia’s Biggest Green Film Festival

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