Celebrating World Environment Day: Online Quiz Competition

World Environment Day, the biggest annual event in the world run by the United Nations to mark the environmental awareness among the people is celebrated every 5th of June. It is also known as “People’s Day” -a day to do something to take care of our environment. With main aim to raise awareness, to protect our nature and look at various environmental issues that are growing day

Keeping this in mind CMS VATAVARAN organizing online quiz competition and celebrating World Environment Day on June 05, 2021. The quiz questionnaires will be based on ‘Biodiversity Conservation’, the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is important for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services. This is vital for economic growth and poverty reduction.

Aim of the competition: Online quiz competition is purely to help the students to enhance their knowledge and understanding the importance of biodiversity conservation. Quiz competition will be held on June 05, 2021 at 03:00 PM.

The Participants who score between 60% to 80% will get the E - Certificate of appreciation and above of Distinction.

Topic of the Quiz Competition:  Biodiversity Conservation

Time Count: 15 Minute


  • The online quiz is open to all students.
  • The questionnaire link will be sent to the registered email on 05 June by 02.00 PM or automatic they will get after registration.
  • Schools/ Colleges can also fill the online registration forms on behalf of their student.
  • Students cannot participate on their own in this competition without filling an online registration form.
  • The Quiz Competition on Biodiversity will be conducted through an online platform only.

How to apply: Through online registration mode only (There is no registration fee.)

Fill the online registration form before 12:00 PM, 05 June 2021.


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