Producer: Dr. Susan Sharma, Indianwildlifeclub.com
Focus: Natural History of the Himalayan region with special
reference to Nepal. Is there a future there for the Asian Elephant
and Bengal Tiger?
The film looks at the natural history of the Himalayan region. It
has exclusive footage of the Indian Rhino and on the Asian elephant
from the Royal Chitwan National Park, which is guarded by the Royal
Nepal Army. The film also projects concept of the community forests,
which has been successful in maintaining the wetland area of twenty
thousand lakes. These forests are a haven for bird watchers.
Decrease in the primary and secondary forest area has put a question
mark on the future of the Bengal tiger and in particular the Asian
Elephant. An evolutionary history of sixty million years is getting
wiped out in a few human life times.
Profile: Dr. Susan Sharma, Ph.D (IITD) is adapting the latest
information technology tools to spread awareness about nature and
wildlife. She runs a website called IndianWildlifeClub.com, which
has an expanding user base of nature lovers as members. Her digital
videos are self-financed. Her film Sarang The Peacock was
screened at the Mumbai International Film Festival held in Mumbai
in Feb 2000 Corbett with Love was screened at the Delhi International
film festival under the Short and Animation films category and was
one of the films selected at IDPA Awards function.