Bilby Brothers - The Men Who Killed the Easter Bunny
(Non Competitive Category)

Producer: Larry Zetlin

Subject Focus: Conservation and saving of the Australian Greater Bilby

Summary: This is the story of two ordinary blokes and their extraordinary crusade against the Easter Bunny. Their mission: to eliminate chocolate Easter bunnies from every shop in Australia and replace them with something entirely different. Rabbits are not native to Australia. They’ve been introduced. They’re a monumental pest. Feral Rabbits damage the environment and compete with native animals. Especially the endangered bilby. So why do Australians celebrate rabbits at Easter – with chocolate bunnies in every shop? Bunnies no! Bilbies yes!! Peter McRae and Frank Manthey are two passionate environmentalists who believe Easter Bunnies should be exterminated and replaced with something totally Australian. Chocolate Easter Bilbies. You couldn’t call Peter and Frank quiet achievers. They’re very vocal about saving the bilby. And they’re truly great Australian characters.

Producer’s/Director’s Profile: Larry Zetlin established Gulliver Film Productions Pvt. Ltd in 1981 – an independent Australian film company synonymous with excellence in wildlife cinematography. Larry’s major natural history and wildlife documentaries Koalas-Out on a Limb, Looking After Yaimin and Sharing a Dreamreceived national and international recognition. Koalas Out on a Limb was selected for the prestigious New York Film Festival. His film Living Landscapes – Urban Ecosystems received a United Nations Award for best Urban Video in the educational and environmental programs in 1997. Bilby Brothers won the Special Jury Prize at NaturVision 2002, Germany.