Timeless Traveller - The Horseshoe Crab

English/11min 38secs/2003
Producer: Gautam Pandey, Executive Producer, Riverbank Studios

Subject Focus: Revelation and Conservation of the Horseshoe Crabs

Summary: The Horseshoe Crab is one of the most unique animals that the earth has ever witnessed. It emerged from the oceans 562 million years ago and has survived unchanged. If the situation is not carefully managed, the risk of adversely affecting the horseshoe crab population becomes a certainty. It has to be ensured that the crabs used in the making of valuable and life-saving medicines are handled with care and respect. A stable horseshoe crab population is vitally important not only to the biomedical community, but also to the survival of mankind. Only sound and scientific conservation measures will ensure a sustainable population for the future and allow humans to reap the benefits of this most unique marine creature.