Paatan ke Beech Mein
(Between The Devil and The Deep River)
Producer: Arvind Sinha
Focus: Water Management (or mismanagement) in Bihar in the name
of Protection from Floods.
Shot extensively in North Bihar, this film looks at the development
models chosen and implemented, often by force, that have destroyed
the livelihood of millions of people. Over the years, with each
consequent flood, people developed their own coping mechanisms,
which soon became integral to their culture. Man-made floods and
water logging over vast agriculture land has pauperized the people
of Bihar. All this has been done to protect people from floods!
Profile: Arvind Sinha is one of the leading documentary filmmakers
of the country. In his filmmaking career of twelve years, he has
won some of the topmost and most prestigious international awards
in the world of documentaries Leipzig, Bilbao, New York,
etc. His films have also been broadcast on major international TV
channels. He has also been honoured with the countrys highest
film award, the National Awards thrice.