Our Common Future

English/52mins 36ecs/2002
Producer: Altaf Mazid
Commissioned by: D.N. Tamuly, Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati

Subject Focus: Indigenous knowledge system for natural resource management of NE India.

Summary: Tribal communities in the Northeast India, especially in the uplands, are more insular than their counter parts in the rest of India. The film examines the depth and robustness of indigenous knowledge system of some of the communities in the practice environment management. Since long they are dependent on forest for every requirement. Their knowledge base is not limited to the species alone but deep to the harmonious utilization of bio diversity too.

Producer’s/Director’s Profile: Altaf Mazid is film critic turned filmmaker. He directed his first film JIBON (Life) in 1998, which won him the best director prize in the Seventh Pyongyang Film Festival of Non-Aligned & Developing Countries 2000, and was showcased in Indian Panorama section in 1999. LAKHTOKIAT GOLAM (Closed-door-and-stuff-inside- the-magazine Syndrome) is his first independent venture in video. Both the films have been shown in a number of national and international film festivals.